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Announcements, Press Releases, News from Kenya and many more...

Kenya At The "15th African Food, Music And Handicrafts Festival"

The Honorary Consulate of Kenya in Greece was again this year present at the "15th African Food, Music and Handicrafts Festival" that the African Embassies and Honorary Consulates accredited to the Hellenic Republic organize each year in collaboration with the Communities. The Festival was held on the 21st and 22nd of May 2016 at the premises of the Moraitis School, a well known private school in Athens.

Entrepreneurial opportunities in Kenya presented to Greek engineers

The Hon. Consul of Kenya, Mrs. Vicky Pantazopoulou, in her speech “Kenya – Invest in Future” during the forum on entrepreneurial activities for engineers in counties of Sub-Saharan Africa held in Athens on April 4th 2016, presented in detail all major construction projects in the country being implemented or programmed to be implemented in the near future.

The Hon. Consul of Kenya, Mrs. Vicky Pantazopoulou, met with members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group for Kenya

The Hon. Consul of Kenya, Mrs. Vicky Pantazopoulou, met on March 23rd, 2016, with members of the Greek Parliament, constituting, during this parliamentary period, the Greece-Kenya Parliamentary Friendship Group (P.F.G.). 

Co-operation between Amaroussio City and relevant Bodies in Kenya

During the meeting the Hon. Consul of Kenya, Mrs. Vicky Pantazopoulou, had with the Mayor of Amaroussio City and President of the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece, Mr. George Patoulis, on March 18th, 2016, was highlighted the possibility of enhancing co-operation between Amaroussio City and relevant Bodies in Kenya.

The Kifissia – Politeia Rotary Club kindly donates two PCs to a Kenyan and a Greek school

The Rotary Club Kifissia – Politeia, during a special event held on Wednesday, March 9th , 2016,  presented to the Hon. Consul of Kenya, Mrs. Vicky Pantazopoulou, a laptop PC to be delivered to the Primary School of Alliance Vision Education Centre, a NGO.

Students of an Athens high school visited the Consulate of Kenya

A group of students of the Metamorfossi High School of Athens together with two of their teachers, Mrs.  Irini Polikreti and Mrs. Anna Trigatzi, had a long and fruitful meeting with the Hon. Consul of Kenya, Mrs. Vicky Pantazopoulou, on the Consulate’s premises on February 20th 2016. 

The Attica Region Governor, Mrs. R. Dourou, Meets With Members Of The Hellenic-Kenyan Chamber And The Honorary Consul Of Kenya, Mrs. V. Pantazopoulou

The Attica Region Governor, Mrs. Rena Dourou, met on December 21st 2015 at the Region's headquarters with the Honorary Consul of Kenya in Greece, Mrs. Vicky Pantazopoulou. 

During the meeting there was a fruitful discussion on possible co-operations of the Region with Kenya.
