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Announcements, Press Releases, News from Kenya and many more...

17th African Food, Music and Handicraft Festival

Το περίπτερο της Κένυας στο 17ο Αφρικανικό Φεστιβάλ.

The Kenya Community in Athens participated in the 17th African Food, Music and Handicrafts Festival (date: May 12-13, 2018 – venue: Libyan School in Athens) organized by the African Embassies and Honorary Consulates accredited to the Hellenic Republic in collaboration with the communities.  Each year the Festival showcases and promotes the rich and diverse African culture and heritage including cuisine, handicrafts, music, dance and fashion show. Part of the funds raised from the Festival will be donated this year to the Greek NGO “The Smile of the Child”.

2nd Greek Travel Show 2018

Στο περίπτερο της Κένυας, ο Γενικός Γραμματέας Τουρισμού, κος Γ. Τζιάλλας, με την Πρόξενο ε.τ., κα Β. Πανταζοπούλου.

The Honorary Consulate has participated in the Greek Travel Show 2018, the 2nd Travel and Vacations Exhibition organized in Athens by the National Hellenic Organization of International Trade Fairs, Exhibitions, Congresses & Events (HELEXPO) from Friday 4 to Sunday 6 May 2018 in HELEXPO’s premises in Maroussi-Athens. The Consulate’s stand was decorated so to attract visitors who additionally had the opportunity to taste Kenyan tea.

7th African Film Week

Αφίσα της Εβδομάδας Αφρικανικού Κινηματογράφου.

The Honorary Consulate participated this year also in the 7th African Film Week, which is co-organized by the accredited to the Hellenic Republic Embassies and Honorary Consulates of African Countries and the Thessaloniki Film Festival and the Greek Film Archive (Athens: May 3-9,2018 & Thessaloniki: May 10-16, 2018).

The Kenyan film that was screened on Sunday May 6th was “Kati Kati” (Directed by: Mbithi Masya – Produced by: One Fine Day Films & Ginger Ink Films in association with DW Akademie).

Africa Day 2018 Celebration

Πρέσβεις και Πρόξενοι ε.τ. Αφρικανικών χωρών μαζί με τον Υφυπουργό Εξωτερικών, κο Τέρενς-Νικόλαο Κουίκ (ΥΠΕΞ, 2α Μαΐου 2018).

The African Group in Athens, comprising the African Embassies and Honorary Consulates accredited to the Hellenic Republic, organized for the first time in Greece the 1st Africa Day Convention to celebrate Africa Day 2018. The successful  event, that was attended by many representatives of the Greek business community, took place on May 2nd in the auditorium of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The Convention aimed also to launch all other parallel events programmed in the context of this year’s celebrations.

The 1st Edition of the Eldoret Marathon

Η Πρόξενος ε.τ., κα Β. Πανταζοπούλου, με μία από τις νικήτριες του μαραθωνίου κατά την απονομή των μεταλλείων.

On April 22nd 2018 took place with great success to 1st edition of the Eldoret Marathon in Uasin Gishu County – Kenya, known worldwide as “homeland of the champions” because it is the birth place of the renowned Kenyan Marathoners. Between the County and the Municipality of Marathon a MoU has been signed on 2015.

In the context of the 1st Marathon, that had an ecological part as well, thousands of trees were planted in the area.

First trip to Kenya

The Hon. Consulate in the context of its activities to enhance tourism flow between Greece and Kenya has prepared four tours to various parts of Kenya the itinerary of which is customized to the specific interests of Greek tourists (namely:  1. A visit to the Masai people, 2. The sands of the Indian Ocean, 3. The land north of the Equator, 4. To magical Kenya, the legendary land).

Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Kenya attends official luncheon in her honor in the Consulate of Kenya

The Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kenya, Ambassador (Dr.) Amina C. Mohamed, at the Hon. Consulate of Kenya.

On the occasion of the arrival in Greece of the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kenya, Ambassador (Dr.) Amina C. Mohamed, EGH, CAV, who participated as invited speaker at Τhe New York Times Athens Democracy Forum, the Hon. Consulate of the Republic of Kenya in the Hellenic Republic offered an official luncheon in her honor (September 14, 2017). 
